Eden Companies Mission
Eden Companies mission is to extend Goodwill to our residents, partners, and world in a God-honoring and loving way. We do this through our values of encouraging our team members, serving our clients/residents/partners, and giving back to cities and nations. We believe Eden was a place of perfect love, joy, peace, and goodwill. There existed, and still does, a perfect King who desires our partnership in restoring Eden once again and extending His Goodwill throughout the earth.

Our Business
What exactly does Eden Companies do?
Eden Companies is a life-changing investment company that owns and operates apartment communities and other service businesses. When you invest or sell to Eden, use one of our service companies, or join our team you become a part of something so much bigger - you become a catalyst for change.
Our Vision
Eden Companies primary vision is to extend goodwill across the globe - but from a numbers perspective in the following years we expect to serve over 1000 team members and 75,000 residents in over 150 apartment communities.
What is Eden Companies ultimate goal?
Our Logo
Is that a tree in the logo?
Eden Companies logo epitomizes our vision and story. In the original Garden of Eden stood the tree of life. When Eden is eventually restored and all things are made new, the tree of life remains, yielding fruit and healing the nations with its leaves according to Revelation 22:2 (hence the three 2s that make up the tree).
Eden Companies started with an intent to heal nations. Years later we have our face set like flint toward a day when all nations will be healed. We do this by not only sowing (investing) financial seed to reap an abundant financial harvest, but also by planting Peace and Goodwill to reap much more. Our logo represents this good seed growing into a tree of life.

Our Story
As a teenager I remember visiting my mom at the factory where she sewed sleeves onto t-shirts at breakneck speed for 50 hours a week. I was shocked at the oppressive heat and lint clouding the air in the ear-piercingly loud, dark, windowless room.
Witnessing the sacrifice in that scene made a lasting impact on me. As did discovering my great-great-great grandfather planted the church in the small Kentucky town where my parents would meet years later and raise me. My great-grandmother cleaned the public and county jail toilets. I like to say I'm still in the family business... planting churches and providing clean toilets for residents.
I would claim the specific moment Eden Companies started was when I sat at a dead-end street next to the second house I owned and lived in while working full-time for a non-profit on campus. I vowed very sincerely to aid all nations and peoples if provided the financial opportunity and freedom to do so.
The purpose of Eden Companies was never to make one person rich. My dream is to see the whole earth return to the perfection that was the Garden of Eden and clear oppression from the world's air. We can help bring heaven to earth through our values of love, service, and generosity.
I'm excited for you to join us!
Anthony Humphress
How was Eden Companies started?

Our Team
The Eden Companies team makes the world more like heaven through their commitment to our values of love, service, and generosity. Click here to read more about the team.
World Changers Extending Goodwill
Our Companies and Services
What services do you offer?
Click here to read about what companies/services we offer and our apartment community options.

Our Values
Love, Service, Generosity
Eden Companies stands on 3 values like a 3-legged table that cannot stand without one. We value love, service, and generosity to our company, clients, and community.
We prioritize life change among the company team member's.
We produce life-changing services/environments for our clients/residents.
We profit life-changing cashflow for cities and nations.
Why We Give
The owner's of Eden Companies have given away more than they've kept to live on (over 50%) for the last several years, and have capped their personal salaries. Why? They are simply stewards of God's money - He is the owner of the company and it's cash. God's dream is for all people and nations to experience the peace and hope found in the Garden of Eden. As stewards of Eden Companies, they view their work and the work of their entire team as a ministry to make the world a brighter place.
Our dream is extend hope and goodwill where there is none.
Who We Help
Thanks to YOU!
Thanks to our awesome clients/residents, partners, and valued team members we've been able to give back to many charities to make the world a better place. Click here to see where past donations have been given.